Normally you'll find me writing off this style of brutal slamming death metal since so few bands are able to pull it off while keeping it exciting, or writing riffs that are worthwhile. But this debut EP from Mortally Infected is an exception. Stylistically you'll find it no different than a thousand other releases of this overpopulated genre, but the five tracks presented are enjoyable enough that I had no desire to press 'stop'.
"Keep it Fucking Brutal" (yes, that's the name of the first track) begins with a creepy sample and then it's like a boot kicks you straight in the face. Hilarious and awesome throughout the blasts and the breakdowns. The vocals of Vuldzar are guttural to the max, though there is the occasional presence of barking, sneering counter-vocals. The second track "Rise of Apathy" is even more brutal, with some bouncing groove to it, and a chug breakdown that succeeds in making you want to not love thy neighbor (preferably with a tire iron or crowbar). "Sickness of the Soul" starts with a slower, grooving menace akin to mid-era Sepultura. The band's namesake track "Mortally Infected" is probably the most technical, the fastest on the EP, and the album closes with "Not of This World", a similar sounding tune.
This is a new band that the guttural legions will want to keep their ears on, it's a talented enough debut to stir up some buzz, though the band does nothing new here. While I can't really give this a huge recommendation, it was far from painful to listen through, unlike so many other releases of this style. Keep it fucking brutal!
Verdict: Slammin' Indifference [6/10]
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