The album opens with "Commando", and you'll notice immediately that this record share's Now, Diabolical's flair for minimal yet profound lyrics. Frost is on fire with the drums, though most of beats are simple like the songs, he unleashes some double bass fury to remind you that this IS Frost, after all. The riffs are just as groove-laden as the past few albums, but undeniably evil. They are catchy throughout the eight tracks of the album. "Black Crow on a Tombstone" is a thrasher breaking into the perfect, simple black metal riff. "Die By My Hand" is accompanied by some repressed, male chorus lines which create a haunting atmosphere. "My Skin is Cold" has some of the better riffs on the album, people may already be familiar with this tune because of the promotional EP earlier in the year. "The Sign of the Trident" has these really cool parts where some bass synth line blares just at the edge of perception, an interesting effect. "Last Man Standing" is pure old Celtic Frost worship with a Satyricon blow-dry.
In the end, this is another winner for the Norse band. They seem content with this style and they do an excellent job with it. If you're expecting the more glorious, folkish black metal of their yesteryears and haven't enjoyed the last two records, you won't find much in this to admire. Otherwise, it rocks, well worth a purchase. Let's just hope they don't make any stupid videos for it like they did on the last album.
Verdict: Win [8/10]
hey autothrall, great blog you have here. the reviews are all extremely spot on. you've influenced me onto many great bands. keep up the awesome work, its great reading each review.
Thanks prabs.
We're only getting started!
The writing will get better with time.
This is pretty much what I've been thinking, though I've only had enough time to listen to the first half of the album. It reminds me more of Volcano than Now, Diabolical. I actually preferred the latter to the former, so I'm not as stoked on this as I could have been, but it is still another excellent album from one of my favorite bands.
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