Alison Lohman is no Bruce Campbell, but she’s enjoyable and charming enough to elicit a bit of empathy which is rare in these types of movies. Additionally, like Ash she doesn’t take the demon’s abuse lying down. You’ll notice a handful of signature Raimi camera moves, but the budget differences are huge and he’s seemingly able to do whatever he wants here.
The basic premise involves Lohman’s character running afoul of a gypsy who places a curse on her. This particular curse involves three days of torment from what the movie calls a “Lamia” although it is obviously a Baphomet-like goat demon. On the third day she will do as the title says and be dragged to hell. What follows is a number of attempts to appease the demon and remove the curse.
The movie relies heavily on close camera shots, slow builds and loud sounds, followed by shock images like mouthfuls of bugs and eye-cake. Raimi pulls it off by keeping the tension at its peak for the entire movie. At just about an hour and a half in length each scene leads quickly to the next where the Lamia is fucking with Lohman in one gross/startling/humorous way or another. It is certainly worth seeing in a theater with a great sound system because the effects and music are completely necessary to the mood.
If you are sick of Raimi, horror-comedies, or goats that tell it like it is you may as well skip Drag Me To Hell. I spent the whole movie laughing hysterically.
Verdict: Epic Win [9/10]
Totally going to see this tonight.
Wait, this is actually good?
The trailer makes it look like typical contemporary horror schlock, but then again trailers are meaningless. I'll get the DVD... fucking expensive theater.
Wait, is this intentionally funny? You don't really explain why or how it's a horror-comedy and throw that mention into the last sentence - I'm rather confused now.
The trailer was terrible, but I could say the same thing about Let the Right One In.
It's intentionally funny in the same vein as ED2, however it is closer to ED insofar as it follows the horror movie formula
Of course it's intentionally funny and scary at the same time, it's a Sam Raimi horror flick, and it's been too long.
Oh ya I have to wait until tomorrow to see it now :(
So I saw the movie this afternoon...the score was the best I'd heard for a horror film in some years. The actors were fine, and there were fun scenes.
Overall the film was alright, not as non-stop and relentless as I would have liked it. The 'twist' was a little too obvious (a lot more could have been done with it). The ending was a letdown.
It was a little above 'meh' for me.
I remain unimpressed by any film in 2010 :(
I'll admit I wanted the movie to have the non-obvious (by horror movie standards) ending and go for the happy ending, but then they also did a good job of setting up the confusion with the item through out the movie, so it didn't come out of left field.
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