Legions of Perkele is the fourth full-length from Sova and company, and marked the departure of the heavily bass-dripping ooze of their earlier albums. The guitars here plod across the battlefield like ancient tanks infused with the souls of the damned, delivering surefire yet simple volleys of chords in which there isn't a single misplaced note. This is also singalong, ale swilling material to which you can throw the horns with friends. "Revenge by Magick", "Angelbomber", "Last Day in Heaven", all great, slow to mid-paced tracks with pumping bass lines, restrained but efficient drumming, slathered in demonic sermon.
I bring this torch from the flames
From the flames of Inferno
I bring the end for the days
Of angels' existence
I hunt those white dressed creatures
Creatures with their white wings
My own wings are black skin
And my claws steel
Yet, the album grows deeper and darker still. "Dark Sorceress (Autumn Siege)", a slower piece anchored by percussion and walls of glorious doom-like riffs. "Necromantic Ritual" is one of the catchiest Barathrum tracks of their career, for its powerful choppy opening riff and epic male crooning, the perfect audio companion to Conan the Barbarian (just shut the dialogue off and listen to this instead). The title track "Legions of Perkele" moves at a similar gait albeit with the bass, and a pretty interesting modulated voice sample intro. The true prize here is the inclusion of the mighty "Warmetal" (previously available on the Infernal album) bonus track. One of the most brilliant, catchy and self-referential black metal tracks to ever escape Hell, and easily one of my VERY worthy of the title. I can think of few tracks I'd favor more for the cracking of skulls. If you don't like this song, YOU ARE A PUSSY. No offense to actual pussy.
In short, Legions of Perkele is Barathrum's finest hour, and one of the greatest black metal albums to arrive in the 20th century. Along with Horna and Impaled Nazarene, they formed the perfect triumvirate of 90s evil, and helped create a strong backbone that their country might stand its ground alongside the venerable Norse and Swedish scenes. There are one or two tracks on the album which feel lackluster, but only in comparison to the quality of the rest. This album still crushes today!
Verdict: Epic Win [9.5/10] (I command you by infernal names)
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