Now, this is not a joke band; far from it. The snarling vocals are those of a true Viking black/pagan metal band, and even the use of accordion is well placed amidst the flowing power chords and the tasteful acoustics. The album is well over an hour but with only 5 tracks...these range from the 10 minute mark to the epic album closer "Untergang" at about 21 minutes. On the plus side, it's a journey you might like to take aurally while you're reading a fantasy yarn or playing your favorite MMO or videogame. On the downside, the songs can often grow tiring. While solid in their delivery they don't offer quite enough memorable material to justify their length. You may just wish to take in "Urquell" or "Das Grosse Erwachen" on their own, because they both offer the full range of Finsterforst's capabilities. However, if you are a fan of epic bands like Turisas, Thyrfing or Equilibrium, this band should easily appeal to you.
...zum Tode Hin sounds quite positively sparkling, from its dainty and delicious acoustic segments to the keyboards and accordion. The bass is folksy and playful and when the band turns up the rage they deliver atmosphere aplenty, taking you back to the days of European heritage and battle. You know, when we white folk had actual cultures and didn't sit on our duff all day watching rap videos and sports. I haven't heard the band's debut to compare but this would be welcome in the collections of many folkish/pagan metal fans who value simpler melodic writing and the whole 'epic' vibe. This band knows glory.
Verdict: Win [7.5/10]
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