Nevertheless, if speed and brutality is your modus operandi, you could do a lot worse. This is essentially a form of musical acrobaticism, with a lineup tight enough at their individual instruments to pull it off. Songs like "Collapse in Reverse", "Perverting Incitement" and "Embracing the Origin" incorporate blinding death/thrash rhythms with crisp complexity, but never shy away from the change to shift into intense and spasmic breakdowns. To be honest, the track I enjoyed most was "Apprentice Luminous Acquaintance" for its slower pace, plodding distorted basslines and freaky post-metal riffing. Sort of like a grind Voivod. Of the faster material, "The Art of Corruption" had my blood quickening and pulse pounding in my skull with its hyperactive, slamming maze.
The album has a crisp tone to it which emphasizes their catalogue of riffs. The drumming of Joakim Malmborg is the perfect anchor to this slugfest, and the bass is likewise a menace. The vocals range from your grinding snarls to a more barking deathcore style, and while I didn't care for their presence much I can't fault them with why I didn't enjoy the album more. The band has enormous potential and often creates an extreme webwork of intensity, but I'd like to hear some catchier specific riffs on future efforts.
Verdict: Indifference [6.5/10]
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