The band does have some occasional old school edge to their tunes, reminiscent of early to mid 90s material, and this is the point at which their riffs usually shine. I found a few of the songs pretty dull like the shifty pit anthem "Insidious Insanity", but then others picked up the pace and offered some better riffs; tracks like "Bobby Loser" and "Manifestation of Deepest Horrible Dreams". Yet even these have a few of the utter chugging breakdowns with guitar squeals that lack a catchy note selection (an example is "Pinned and Skinned"). The album ends with one of its strongest tracks in "Depressive Deeds", a whirlwind of shifting breakdowns and pummeling destruction.
Dead Soil is not a bad album, it has a few moments of polish which bely hints of a greater band. Though it's unlikely something I will want to revisit, fans of stomping death metal honed for the mosh parlour (Skinless, Devourment, etc) might like to check this out.
Verdict: Indifference [6/10]
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