It turned out that the Corpse Bride was a disappointment, but a BEAUTIFUL disappointment. The stop-motion animation, coupled with the advanced effects of the 21st century, creates a fascinating, gloomy world, not a far cry from Halloween Town, and a little more consistent. This is offset by the more colorful Land of the Dead, where numerous scenes are set, and is more reminiscent of the underworld from Beetlejuice. The film is so aesthetically pleasing that it’s a joy to watch, even though the tale itself wasn’t as impressive as Nightmare.
The dour Everglots and the fishmongering Van Dorts have arranged a marriage for their children (cutely named Victor and Victoria), which will financially benefit one or the other family. Though the awkward Victor kicks it off with the sweet Victoria, his clumsiness at the rehearsal earns him a ‘chill out’ in the graveyard woods outside of town, where, during a mock wedding vow, he accidentally places his ring on the skeletal finger of Emily, who perished while waiting for her bride to be (the diabolical con man Lord Barkis Bittern). Victor is brought to the Land of the Dead by his unfortunate bride, and chaos ensues from there, with a climax both sad and happy.
The Corpse Bride makes for a stunning sight, as she whirls about in her wedding garb and eye catching blue hair. Think Sally from Nightmare, but hotter…and voiced by Helena Bonham

Again, I’d recommend watching this for your eyes to pop out of their sockets. It’s a marvel, and you can tell the animators put enormous effort into every frame of the film. The rest of the film is passable, an effective gothic fairy tale, but I was not blown away as I was in 1993 with its spiritual predecessor, which remains one of the greatest films in memory.
Verdict: Win [7/10]
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