The Black Car EP was released in a year between the band's great Maniac album, and their swansong Engine Beast. It's only got four tracks, but each of them is catchy: "Black Car" for its memorable chorus, "Drop Dead" for the charging rhythms and out of control lead, "The Day You Die" for its ramped up Judas Priest-like speed riffing, and "Exterminator" with its cheesy intro sample and epic, slugging pace, which actually includes the lyrics:
Heeeee's an exterminator!
Heeeee's an exterminator!
He rapes young ladies and strangles little babies!
Would I lie to you? No, so go now, and track down everything this band has ever released.
Highlights: A female singer who does not suck, and also...there are songs.
Verdict: Win [7.5/10]
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