Saturday, January 2, 2010

Frank Austin's Best of 2009

1) Immortal (Nor) - All Shall Fall
2) Propagandhi (Can) - Supporting Caste
3) Arckanum (Swe) - ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ
4) Anaal Nathrakh (UK) - In the Constellation of the Black Widow
5) Wardruna (Nor) - Gap Var Ginnunga
6) Kreator (Ger)- Hordes of Chaos
7) God Dethroned (Nld) - Passiondale
8) Fukpig (UK) - Spewings From A Selfish Nation
9) Horned Almighty (Ger) - Contaminating the Divine
10) Oranssi Pazuzu (Fin) - Muukalainen Puhuu

What a fucking phenomenal year this has been.  Each of these records is fantastic, unique, and classic.  Propagandhi comes very close to taking top honors from me by sheer force of surprise, but Immortal manages to hold on, since it's essentially like getting a new I record as well.

From there on down my list is almost entirely interchangeable depending on my mood.  In a year with so many mind-blowing releases, who can honestly rank them?  Well, besides our beloved editor, that is.

Now on to some other categories:

Disappointment Of The Year - Two-way tie.  IXXI's Elect Darkness and 1349's Revelations of the Black Flame.
Song Of The Year - "Norden on Fire"
Live Show Of The Year - Primordial @ Paganfest San Francisco
Game Of The Year - Dragon Age: Origins (PC)
Missed Opportunity Of The Year - Brütal Legend (360, PS3)
Movie Of The Year - Moon
WTF Of The Decade - Peste Noire (Fra) - Ballade Cuntre lo Anemi Francor
Most Revisited Album Of 2008 - Amon Amarth (Swe) - Twilight of the Thunder God

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