Oh, the magic of cinema, to make one cry, to make one shudder, to make one stand and applaud. How often can a film capture all of these emotions at once? Not very often, especially in the rather dry environs of 2008's theater fare. Sure, we had one of the best films in years (The Dark Knight, perhaps the reason everything else seemed so bland by comparison), and a few half-decent comedies or genre films, but what else to write home about?
Until I saw The Wrestler, I couldn't answer that question. Now I can, because the monumental, career-defining performance of Mickey Rourke alone is worth shelling out the money for more than one viewing. I had not realized this was a Darren Aronofsky picture, and I was thoroughly impressed. Not only is it a clear departure from his previous films, but it's also his very best work to date.
The film centers around a wrestler, Randy "The Ram" Robinson (stage name) who is past his prime and demoted to the amateur circuit. The matches are grueling and realistic, and quite endearing, because they offer a glimpse into the world of these wrestlers, a brotherhood of showmen and sportsmen who may just deserve more credit than they get in this country. Have a bias against wrestling because it's fake? Deplorable? Go and watch this movie. You will never look at them the same way. Trust me.
The film follows a very slice-of-life formula. After suffering a near fatal heart attack post - grueling exhibitionist match, the future of the Ram's career is in question, and we follow his daily life as he works a deli, attempts to re-connect with his estranged daughter, and pursues a relationship with a stripper-mom (portrayed quite well by Marisa Tomei) he has patronized for some time. This is all handled exceptionally well, with loving realism. There are hilarious scenes which will forever etch themselves into your memory. After finally getting enough cash to regain access to his rented trailer, 'Ram' plays Nintendo with a young neighborhood boy, who grows quickly bored and tells the wrestler about Call of Duty 4. At a small American Legion post, Ram and other washed out wrestlers sign autographs for the few worthy fans to remember them. Ram and his stripper interest ruminate to the 80s hair metal of Ratt in a bar. The 90s sucked, and it's all Kurt Cobain's fault! Brilliant. Scenes like this are laden in believable emotional gravitas, and Rourke will hypnotise you with his devotion to this character. I may not have broken up myself, but my girlfriend was crying for at least two of the scenes.
Did I mention Accept's "Balls to the Wall" can be heard in this film? Yeah. Udo, motherfuckers.

Rourke, Aronofsky, and the rest of the cast and crew deserve accolades for such a loving portrayal of an individual in Middle America. The film is epic in its simplicity, and I highly recommend it to anyone with a goddamned soul, because I don't even have one, and I loved it.
Verdict: Epic Win [9.5/10]
This was probably my favorite movie of last year, and your review is spot fucking on.
I am not a fan of Mr. Aronofsky's past work outside of the magnificent Pi, but The Wrestler resonated with me.
Yeah, this would definitely be my 2nd favorite from last year.
Only one could top it, and that's because it took an overcrowded and generally shitty genre of homogenized film by the neck and exclaimed: SUPERHERO FILMS DON'T HAVE TO BE RETARDED.
Interestingly enough, that's what The Wrestler did for wrestling.
The Wrestler's relationships between characters are some of the most sublime and brilliant in recent movie making. I'm hoping that Big Fan, the next movie from Robert Siegel (who wrote The Wrestler) keeps this up.
Aranofsky should be doing everything in his power to work with that guy again. The pairing was excellent.
I would never have thought to check this out, thanks for reviewing it.
Wow, guess I'll have to check this out.
And apparently I'm in the minority in that I think that The Dark Knight is "a really good superhero movie" but not a masterwork of cinema or anything close to it.
The Dark Knight is a lot more than just a good superhero movie. It's a crime epic ala Heat or the Godfather.
It represents a genre shift towards taking its source material seriously and not treating film goers like they are morons. Granted, this started in the first Nolan Batman, but it's at an entire new level in the sequel. I may not think the Dark Knight is 100% perfect myself. About 99.7% would be more accurate. Compare that to any other movie since, what, Fight Club?
Almost the entire film is quotable, when I watched it the other day I was shocked at how many lines I could remember word for word.
I should save all my gushing for an actual review.
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