Saturday, August 29, 2009

Harbinger - Doom On You (2009)

Damn those Midwesterners for all their old school fun. Harbinger is a band comprised of members of Wastelander, Sauron and Wartorn. Doom On You is their debut, after a pair of demos back in 2005, and it's a bloody raw mess of 80s speed/power metal worship that feels over two decades late (and that's not a bad thing).

This is no slick German power metal recording, it's very filthy and at times the band feels like its about to fall apart at the seams, but in the best of ways. The sound they capture on this album is 'live'. Guitar squelch and tiny mistakes are just left there, and they give the album a lot of personality. The band is capable of both blistering, crunchy speed as in "Drivers to Hell", "Die For Metal - Live for Death", "Blood of Heroes", and the ability to slow down and rock the fuck out with "The Dark Ages" and "Black-Hearted Woman". Both sides evoke early 80s speed metal with aplomb. We're talking Walls of Jericho. Or the infant years of bands like Omen, Anvil, and Fates Warning.

The mix of the album is vibrant and live, these songs would not be hard to produce if the band showed up to your attic or garage and just plugged in. Crusty's vocals are just that....wild and crisp and crusty, he uses as much chutzpah and flair as he does lyrics to deliver home the truly old school experience. Doom On You isn't some instant classic of an album, but it's certainly enough to evoke nostalgia in those who remember the way it used to be done.

Verdict: Win [7/10]

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