Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bloody Lair - Vzestup Zla (2009)

When I think of Czech metal I tend to associate the country with its more avant-garde, superb black metal sect, the likes of Master's Hammer and the invincible Root. Bloody Lair are not quite at the level of these bands, but they offer an experience on this debut which can range from serene to painful and raw. There are some extremely mediocre moments on this album, in particular some of the sloppier, driving black metal sections. There are also others where the band begins to shape itself into something more.

The title track (translation: "The Rise of Evil") opens with angelic ambience, a sad choir of cherubim that contains a dark, mysterious longing to it. After a moment or so, the band opens with a drag of a riff that never goes anywhere. Though I like the slathering vocals of Necronuss, the rhythms are rather dull throughout. "Rasa Ohně" sets up with another mid-paced, warlike black metal rhythm, and the old school thrash/black bridge does little to uplift the track. The same goes for "Nastává Válka", and though the drums are a lot softer than the boxy guitars, the riffing seems a little off time. "Temné Stíny" is slow and atmospheric, I thought this song was a huge improvement with the dark melody that accompanies the verse. "Prokletí Krve" starts off alright, with an opening reminiscent of Bolt Thrower, but then descends into some boring rhythms. The doomed melancholy of "Yperit" makes it another of the best songs on the album.

Vzestup Zla sounds crunchy, raw and appealing, I do like the dense garage-like sound the band produces. The guitars and vocals feel considerably louder than the drums, and the bass feels like a blower and an afterthought. But aside from 1-2 half-decent tracks, there is little I would return to on this album. Recommended only for die hard fans of the more brutal Czech black scene. The band reminds one of Maniac Butcher but not as fun.

Verdict: Indifference [5/10]

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