De Dodenvaart will obviously draw comparisons to bands like Burzum and Weakling, for it inhabits that same, isolated space of agonizing depression and hostility, with gut churning and despicable lyrics that flow threateningly above the minimalist din of the guitars. However, the actual engineering of the record is quite good, with resilient and bright guitar tones, a sly but mesmerizing undertow of bass, and vibrant, crashing drums that keep constant, simple meter with the oppressive weight of the riffs. Hekel relies upon a good deal of repetition, common for its genre, but for some reason, outside of the lengthier tracks (like the 6 minute, sadistic slug "De Eeuwige Jachtvelden"), you just don't feel it. The album feels alive and hostile, its tendrils of grim vapor slowly inhabiting your nervous system, as you draw the knife closer across your throat. The speed is varied here from quicker flashes of knife-like chords in "Sater's Wederkeer" or "De Grimmige Sterfte Op De Heide" to the icy, dissonant yet fulfilling blood-fume of "Doodskou" and "Waar de Wind Fluistert in De Nacht, Luister Ik".
There is one track I'd like to point as as being particularly dire and memorable, and that is the ritual intro "'Ik Erilaz", a conjoining of sampled wolf howls, layered snarling rituals and a deep, steady drum to provide the percussive foundation. It's so brilliant, simple and fucked that I was hoping there would be more like it on the album. Alas, that is not the case, but the black metal material here is just about as well as can be conceived in such simple patterns. The production goes a long way towards compensating for any lack of complexity, and those of you who dream in the newsprint tones of classic records like A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Burzum and Det Som Engang Var should feel right at hell...err, home. Stands alongside Galgeras' Booswitcherij or the better Countess records as a black jewel of the Holland underground.
Verdict: Win [8/10]
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