There are about four songs here that number among the best they've ever written, and arguably the best of their career. "Obsessed" is a start/stop burst to chug barnstormer redolent of the works of Deicide, Cannibal Corpse and other peers, but it's centric rhythms are matured and decidedly old school enough to get the blood pistons charged, solos stoking cerebral spikes, toying with the listener as chords collide with other chords. "The Past" opens with another total kick ass Death-style rhythm, frenetic melody winding down above the concrete, squealing coronary. Yet another incredible lead sequence here to nurture the imagination. "Destroyed by Society" is my favorite individual track on the album, a memorable architecture of bouncing, chugging squeals and miniature solos processed into a matrix of menacing grooves and resonant gutturals. Deeper into the lineup, we've got "Calculated Bloodshed" and its amazing, desolate intro which hits like a more melodic Florida alternative to England's Bolt Thrower.
Unfortunately, outside of these selections, the album is less than dominant. The remainder of the songs consistently exhibit the band's dynamic range, never repeating itself with drab abandon, yet there are few riffing sequences that strike so hard into the memory. A few of them, like the 8+ minute "Subjected to Torture" or the closer "Extinction" feel too lengthy, without the strong patterns of notation to guide the listener into the band's murderous apocrypha. Here or there, some guitar will stand out among the rest, but there are often bouts with needless repetition and uninspired, derivative compositions. Still, In Mourning as a whole is quite tight. Brutality might not have lasted in the long run, but no one can accuse them of selling out to the rising mallcore militia that adopted a number of other death metal acts as their Pantera alternative. This is one band that, once getting their shit together around 1992, never really disappointed its audience. They deserve all the adulation of the fallen and obscure, if not for In Mourning then for the two preceding albums.
Verdict: Win [7.25/10] (blandly accepting fate)
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