Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Temple of Baal - Lightslaying Rituals (2009)

One often associates French black metal with its more bizarre artists like Peste Noire or Deathspell Omega, but there are a number of notable bands who deliver a more 'traditional' experience within the confines of the genre. I wouldn't call Temple of Baal a strictly traditional black band, as they employ some death metal influence, but their delivery is hostile, blasted black metal with a dark, throbbing low end courtesy of the cranked bass guitars. Lightslaying Rituals is their third full-length album, and successful as far as it provides 40 minutes of brutal entertainment for diehards of oppressive black metal that doesn't sound like it was recorded in an outhouse.

I might compare this most to a band like earlier Marduk, though not as ceaselessly rapidfire. Lightslaying Rituals has its share of grinding, blasting tracks like "Piercing the Veils of Slumber", "Triumph of Heretic Fire", "Angstgeist" or "Vectors to the Void", but it also paces itself with a sense for slower, dense thrashing like great "Poisoned Words" or the breakdown in the excellent final track, "Blessed in Blackfire". Throughout the entire album is this turbulent, violent atmosphere created through the brazen production values. This is the type of black metal band that could perform well alongside death metal or -core bands; they stick to the image and lyrical aesthetic of the former, but have throwdown riffs that could get a pit going easily, without coming off cheesy. Temple of Baal is aggressive, and they sound good. They don't write the most memorable riffs and they're not huge fans of melody, but their punishing sound will beat the pulp out of you.

Highlights: Triumph of Heretic Fire, Poisoned Words, Blessed in Blackfire

Verdict: Win [7/10]


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