Sunday, October 18, 2009

Unearthly - Age of Chaos (2009)

Unearthly is a frenetic black metal band out of Brazil with an edge of a death metal influence: I could hear some Deicide, Krisiun, Behemoth, Morbid Angel, and perhaps some aggressive Swedish black/death like Lord Belial. Age of Chaos is their third album, following up Black Metal Commando from 2003. The record has a very boxy feel to it, as if it was recorded in a cardboard studio. I'm not saying this to complain, although I wish the bass had a louder presence in the mix. Most of the tracks are blasterfests with riffy breaks in them, below the sadistic vocals of Eregion.

I like the band's acoustic parts and their samples, such as the beginning of "Incarnation of Salvation" which has a tribal, native vibe to it that transferred well into the following riffs. Most of the tracks on Age of Chaos did not catch my ear, despite their thriving evil energy. It wasn't until the latter half of the album that I started to perk up and pay attention to the vile blitkrieg of "Anthems, Marchs and Warsongs" or "Revelations of Holy Lies", or the slower, out of character "Orgy of Flies". But if you enjoy faster black/death metal with a ton of blasting, occult lyrics and misanthropic riffs, there might to something to discover in Unearthly.

Highlights: Incarnation of Salvation, Revelations of Holy Lies, Orgy of Flies

Verdict: Indifference [6/10]

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