Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lux Ferre - Atrae Materiae Monumentum (2009)

One of the more promising Portuguese black metal bands to arrive in years, Lux Ferre have crafted a deceptively straightforward sophomore effort in Atrae Materiae Monumentum. On the surface, the album is programmed to blast consistently while it weaves desperate, frightening and almost romantic melodies through its catapulting velocity. The vocals of Devasth do grow monotonous and the writing is not an epiphany on any level, but this is a dense, satisfying listen with numerous moments of grandeur to rise above its sodden, saddening murk.

I honestly preferred the album's slower moments, which create a stark mood of desolation. "Dormente" is one such example, with roving walls of chords churning over a rolling double bass, escalating into various expression of longing and regret. "O Caminho" is breathtaking. "The Bell of Fate" is epic, with streaming chords that reach the heavens just long enough to scratch out the condescending eyes of angels. For the faster fare, "Correntes" is a good example of fervent, serpentine aggression. The album is awash with a good mix of tones, and the drum machine remains where it belongs, driving the dense formations of guitar. Not all tracks here are created equal, and there are a few I wanted to skip through, but the style is consistent throughout. Atrae Materiae Monumentum may not be the infernal bee's knees among so many excellent 2009 albums, but it's a sufficiently sad, subterranean monolith that pairs up well with a graying autumn evening.

Highlights: O Caminho, The Bell of Fate, Dormente

Verdict: Win [7/10]

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