Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dreamland - Exit 49 (2009)

Dreamland is a Swedish power metal outfit who have gotten little exposure, but would likely appeal to fans of other Swedish acts like Dream Evil or Nocturnal Rites. They play the big hooks and tend to stick to a mid paced formula for most of the tracks here, but keep things heavy with some meaty, chugging rhythms and the multiple levels of Jake Steel's vocals. Exit 49 is their third album and considerably better than its predecessors Futures Calling (2005) and Eye for An Eye (2007), though I still think this band could use a better logo than the lazy go-to font they are currently using. Superficial details aside, you could do a lot worse than Dreamland if you're seeking out accessible power metal with the standard array of leads, melodies and chorus vocals.

"With a Touch of Evil" breaks in the experience with some lavish melodies and a big, chugging verse beneath Jake's loud and clear vocals, offered here in numerous tracks which mesh together well. "Set the Heavens on Fire" has a little more of that European anthem feeling, for fans of Hammerfall, Nostradameus, and so forth. Ditto for "The Warning" and the rocking "So Weak, So Feeble", which both feature more of the band's soaring melodies and crunchy backbone. Most of the tracks on Exit 49 are comparable to these, though they have a range that can produce even heavier tracks ("Exit 49" and the balls out "Shortest Straw") and the occasional worthless, drippy ballad ala "Song for You" and "Worlds Apart", which were almost painful in places.

Exit 49 sounds booming, holding its clarity even as I cranked it through the roof. The band is tight and focused on the songs, so don't expect much in the way of excess shred. Dreamland is decent at what they do, but I could have lived without the crappy power ballads. Still, fans of power metal whose gateway to the genre was 80s hard rock and radio metal will feel right at home.

Verdict: Win [7/10]

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