Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Baht - Resurgence Hour [DEMO] (2009)

I hear very few newer bands from Turkey these days, and perhaps that is my own fault, but I am glad to having stumbled across this new 2-track demo from Baht. The style at work here is an interesting one, if you can picture bands like Morbid Angel and Hate Eternal simplified into a flowing mass of old school death metal with some melody to it and a slight touch of progression.

"Dead Conceit" consists of a stream of thick, immersive chords that do possess a hint of grooving below the gruff, full gutturals of Bilgehan Engin. I really enjoyed the guitar tones, and even though the riffing isn't technical, it somehow has that mezmerizing simplicity of a band like Vader. The middle of the track is interesting, with echoed voices over a great pattern of repeating notes that eventually picks back up the pace. "Sacred Enigma" fits like a glove, with a slower, punching rhythm laden in mystical melodies. Once again, the song breaks for some clean voices, this time accented with some acoustics and a fine progressive metal riff, before really breaking down into an interchange with the clean guitars, bass and percussion.

Not much more I can offer here. Resurgence Hour is but two tracks, but they are good tracks and a full-length of such material would be welcome indeed. Check the songs out and let the band know what you think.

Verdict: Win [7/10]


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