Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Decrepidemic - The Void of Un-Existence (2009)

The Void of Un-Existence is the debut full-length from Portugal's Decrepidemic, a brutal death metal band with a hint at technicality submerged throughout their extremely percussive riffing. The style is very similar to the crop of USDM, a heavy influence of Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Deicide and Deeds of Flesh can be heard here. I'd also liken them to Severed Savior except that this band has a muddier complexion to their material which is more likely a product of the mix than an intentional trait.

The biggest problem I have with this album is that it seems to move along at a single pace through a lot of its playtime. Don't get me wrong, the band throws in some stops in each of the songs and they have the talent to compose a decent breakdown, but they seem to thread the same needle repeatedly and create different patterns within, a fluster of quick and crisp technicality which does provide much of the better moments. Tracks like "The Prophecy Begins" and "The Wanderer" chug along and spew filthy, hypnotic riffing patterns which, at times, provoke the desired sore neck. Still, though the band is certainly a talented lot at their instruments, the riffs often feel mediocre. What they possess in abundance (busy, choppy, percussive patterns of notes) doesn't quite make up for the lack of memorable sections.

The Void of Un-Existence has a rather substandard mix to it, the tones don't quite bring out the best in the rhythms or leads. Still, it's listenable and the guitars, drums and vocals are well balanced. I've heard a lot worse in the field. Decrepidemic has the skill and energy prerequisite towards the making of a good technical death metal band. This is not a bad effort, but I think some added thought and variation throughout the tracks, perhaps a more adventurous approach, would truly work in their favor.

Verdict: Indifference [6/10]

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