Sunday, February 1, 2009

Arachnotaur - Slo=w Pertinacious Threnody On the Abnegation of Succour (2007)

Within the sonic death shineth the magmatic torch of the Bleak Volcano.
Thus signalling the coming of the Slo=w Destrucctaur.
-Rav Bone

Mantle plumes stream upward alongside rivulets of metamorphic bile, seismic juices expelled through lithospheric wounds to relieve the stirring of an Behemoth. Tectonic joints resettle, crack-groan, to support the monolithic burden; a world distends with a millenia's promise, crust taut over the endtime one. Subductive palpitations beget tremors in the bone that seize the heart. A split_ting. The world, irreversibly rent, spent upon delivery and (s)lo=wly fading. As of an komatite, the ultramafic discharge cleanses the path before arrival; germicidal emission, catastrophic eruption. All life becomes unto serpentinite//magmatic annihilation// Ancients witness from before and beyond: Slo=w Destrucctaur emergence. It does not see the world perish, the subsonic crumbling of all Ea's foundations. It does not look. None hear the laugh, a choking spew of ash from hidden mouths, a reverberation of disgust that covers the sky.

Verdict: Epic Win [5/5]

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