Friday, November 7, 2008

Order of Ennead - Order of Ennead (2008)

This is a new Florida band featuring members of the now defunct Council of the Fallen. In addition, Kevin Quirion and Steve Asheim are both active members of Deicide. Scott Patrick was a former member of Resurrection. They've stirred up enough buzz to get a signing with Earache, so I was eager to check them out. And while I do love the production of the album, mileage may vary.

Order of Ennead performs a straightforward style of black/death metal with snarling, wicked vocals, intense drumming, and fast as fuck guitar blazing. For most of the tracks present, this is unwavering, melodic and in the case of some tunes (like "Conferring with Demons") quite atmospheric. The down side is despite their insane amounts of talent, they are unable to come up with catchy riffs which would draw me to any of their particular songs. It's pretty much your standard Swedish or Norse black metal discord meshed in with some hyper death metal. Lyrically the band covers occult and philosophical themes, but Quirion's snarls have little charisma to them.

Clearly this is a band with an impressive pedigree and insanely high standards of production. If only their music could live up to this. I think the only song I went back to for a few times was "A Cry to the Perilous Sun" with its charging gallop and melodies. Well, being that they are signed with Earache, we should be hearing more from this band, and they have all the tools to deliver some more memorable devastation. But I'm giving it a pass this time out.

Verdict: Indifference [6/10]

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