Sunday, November 9, 2008

Necropolis - The End of the Line (1997)

Peculiar and (I believe) often misunderstood, the sole album from the UK's Necropolis was possibly the first attempt at piecing together some actual NWOBHM style music with death metal vocals (and no, I'm not counting Venom). While I wouldn't be surprised to hear a band attempt this in these retro times of late, this was pretty novel for 1997. Vocals and bass were provided by members of fellow 90s UK death metal act Gomorrah. Guitars and drums from cult speed metal band Atom God.

Whether it succeeds or not is up for debate. The vocals do fit really well over the music, but is the music itself anything more than average for its style? Not really. I like the nice crisp production of the record, but the riffs leave a lot to be desired. The majority are extremely simple and seem like they took no more than 60 seconds to whip up. There are barely any hints of death metal riffing whatsoever, though a few thrash riffs appear (in "The Bitterness I Taste" for example).

I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a successful union of these two styles, but I'm not sure Necropolis was that union. Aside from its novelty there is little reason to remember this. Yet it exists, and may be notable for taking such a stab in the dark.

Verdict: Indifference (5/10)

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