Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Flagellum Dei - Under the Might... (2008)

Portugal's Flagellum Dei release their second offering onto the world, a searing platter of straight razor black metal. While there are many positive things I will say for the album, I wound up slightly underwhelmed.

First off, the mix on the album is superb. Bright and clear with all instrumentation evident. The bass playing hums just below the driving guitars, the drums are solid and the vocals of Sepulchral Winds remind one of countryman Fernano Ribeiro (Moonspell) if only he were blacker and meaner. But they've got that same hoarse depth to them.

As for the riffs, they occasionally feel they will build some excitement but never pan out. "This Mist Announces" begins the album with a glorious, charging feel to it. But then it never really capitalizes, there is no escalation of evil or intensity. The solo section is quite nice though, and this is one of the better songs here. The next few songs feel largely the same. The title track was another I enjoyed.

There aren't many faults here. Under the Might... is a solid black metal effort, and may just appeal to fans who like the idea of a Wolfheart without the goth elements, but it's not very memorable and doesn't escape the middle of the pack.

Verdict: Indifference [6/10]

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