Sunday, November 2, 2008

May Result - Slava Smrti (2008)

The 6th album from Serbian black metal warriors May Result is a vicious and centered assault which recalls the more aggressive Swedish and Norwegian styles, as well as some of the recent, faster Polish black metal.

After a windy, percussive intro, the slaughter begins with "Hold This Earth in the Hands of Sulphur", an interesting title. This is a decent track, but I preferred "Eternal Eulogies" with its great riffs, Glad's excellent vocal barks and just the right amount of synth in there to provide a fulfilling atmosphere. "Velika bela pricina" begins with an almost Viking/pagan feel to it, and a slower, thrash riff dominates much of the verse. The band has a sense of glory about them, provided in some of the chord progressions and the keyboards. "At the Cursed Heights of Prokletije" is another rager, and "Slava Smrti" has a few familiar intro keys before raging with one of the most epic tracks on the album. The band also closes the album with a cover of Impaled Nazarene's "The Horny and the Horned".

I'm not aware of many Serbian black metal bands of quality. May Result certainly helps to fill that niche, and they've produced some decent albums in the past so if you enjoy this you might want to track them down. This isn't the grimmest black metal band, they're not particularly evil sounding, but if you don't mind some keyboard atmospheres and pagan/folk vibe to your riffs then this is a good choice. It's certainly a good album.

Verdict: Win [7/10]

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